Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I'm Forgiven

I had a very rough day.  My life seemed to be caving in on me.  You know, the normal demands on a mom that can sometimes make us feel less than unworthy. The laundry was piling up, the house was messy, and I had a super bad attitude with the kids.  I sat in the car while the kids were at their home schooling enrichment program because I wasn't feeling up to socializing that day. 

"I don't get it", I wondered.  "Lord, if you don't give us more than we can handle then why do I always feel like I can't handle what I have?" I was having flashbacks of poor choices made and my failures as a wife and mother and to top it all off I was feeling as if I didn't even understand my baby.  She was fussy and I didn't even know why.  (This IS baby #5, you would think I'd have a clue by this point!)  Add postpartum emotions to this sea of doubt and it made for the perfect storm.  

So there I sat... in the back seat of my minivan...nursing the baby...trying to go unnoticed by the world, when song #10 on the WOW Hits 2011 CD came on.  Had I been in the drivers seat I would have pressed the forward button to the next song (I don't think I've ever made it 30 seconds into this song).
Being that I was in the back and I wasn't in a singing mood I just sat there nursing, my mind going in all different directions.

THEN I HEARD IT.  God took notice and answered me through the words of a song I had always blown off.  It came at the perfect time.  I sat there listening while being comforted by my Heavenly Father. Since that day, I listen to that song daily to remind myself of the treasure I am to my creator. 

Well, I love this song so much that I wanted to share it with you as well. 

I'm still not close to perfect.
I still haven't finished attacking the laundry pile
I still need to pray for patience, then repent when I lose it
But I know who's I am and I know my worth is in Him!
Isn't He amazing?!!!

This is where my focus should be. On the blessings that my family brings to me.  On the sweet memories of the past and the ones that are still to be made.

"The Girls" after a wonderful Valentine's Day dinner

"The Boys" getting ready to enjoy their Valentines Day treat!

The Hubby and I

In what ways has God taken notice in you lately?