Saturday, April 19, 2014

Less is More

Happy Resurrection Sunday! 
What a joy it is to celebrate today and recognize that God is always at work even when we don't see it. 

Can you imagine Mary Magdalene, who went to the tomb expecting to see Jesus's wrapped lifeless body lying in there and instead saw that the tomb was empty?

After days of mourning His death and probably trying to make sense of all He had told them, the empty tomb would seem to add to her confusion.

But Jesus confronts the poor woman and asks her, "Woman, why are you crying?"

I feel like Jesus was saying to her, "Your mourning over my dead body, but I'm here to give you more." 

You see, less is sometimes more..
It is when we are empty that we are ready for God to fill us up.
When we are weak that His strength is made perfect.
When we let go of what we are holding on to that he gives us what we really need.

Then, we could go running to others, like Mary did, exclaiming, "I have seen The Lord!"

Today we celebrate less being more, an empty tomb and a Risen Savior!

Have a blessed day!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday Reflection

It was probably a day a lot like today. The normalcy of the day had begun with a special interest in current events. Everyone was talking about it, and like with any controversery, it drew a crowd. But that was a day like no other.  It was the day an innocent man would pay the price of the guilty...the man between two thieves... our Savior.

Today, I wanted to reflect on this truth with more than just knowledge. More like a visual reminder of what Jesus did.  With kids ranging from 15 to 3 in age, I was trying to find something that would capture all of their attention... And I did!!!
Well, not so much the 3 year old, but she did partake in it, briefly. Hey, 4 out of 5 ain't bad and I've learned not to expect perfection. 

We have this cross hanging in our kitchen.  

We got paper and folded it to make little rectangles to write different sins on it.
We thought of sins that we struggle with, and that our society struggles with. We opened our bibles to the book of Proverbs and wrote sins we found in there. It led to other scriptures and a great discussion on sins that we probably take for granted.

 When we were finished, we cut out the pieces of paper and taped them to the cross.

And this is what we ended up with! I love it!! I can't help but stare at it and thank Jesus for what he did.
That little red piece of paper in the center was Eliana's piece in it. Mostly I involved her later, explaining that these are the bad things we've done that Jesus died for. 

And to think, this is probably just the beginning of it...

He bore all our sins and now we await Sunday!!

What did you do to reflect the crucifixion on Good Friday?